After a two-hour Spanish negotiation session, we have somehow, miraculously, bought property in Nicaragua. It is a beautiful piece of property equivalent to an acre. Come to think of it….if you are reading this, YOU bought property in Nicaragua too. You invested in what the Lord is doing here. We feel very humbled to have your support. It all seemed very far off in the distance and now it is a reality. It is again proof that the Lord dreams bigger than we do. We just wanted a nice rental with running water and space to hold classes. More honestly, we wanted the option to run, if things got too hard. But we are also learning that the Lord is truly good and faithful. He has never been nearer, led us more clearly, or disciplined us more gently. He knows our fragility and brings along likeminded friends or a beautiful sunset when we need beauty and order. The very first thing we would like to put onto the property is the kid’s club center. A place to hold classes and connect with the kids that is secure, dependable, and fun. We are drawing up plans and will have those to share with you when we come to Oregon and Washington in October. If you would like more information we can send it to you on email so feel free to contact us: