Tribu Radiante | Radiant Tribe


More than tutoring

Our local teachers make La Tribu Radiante a place of love and acceptance. Over 280 elementary and secondary students registered for reinforcement class (tutoring) in 2022. They all receive extra tutoring in reading and math, access to the computer lab, help with homework, and a healthy meal before they leave. One hundred and forty of these students are participating in our steadily growing sponsorship program. These students are paired with a sponsor who makes a monthly donation which provides a locally tailored school uniform, school shoes, backpack, school supplies, and a monthly school supply “refresh” where they receive materials required by the public school that particular month.


Class Offerings

  • English

  • Biology/Conservation

  • Swimming

  • Yoga

  • Gymnastics

  • Tutoring in Math

  • Tutoring in Reading

  • Computer Basics

  • Typing

  • Spanish

Why do we feel so passionate about literacy?

The ability to read and comprehend is a gift that every child should receive.  In our crowded rural schools it is difficult for students who are not ready at age 5 to learn and receive this gift.  Many students need individual attention and tutoring so they don’t get left behind and drop out.  When parents at home are unable to read and aid in this vital skill, the obstacle can be overwhelming.  Our local teachers identify and work individually, and in small groups, with students who need that extra boost to have success in reading.  Literacy is an essential part of transformational development; it empowers our students to transform their own world with love, compassion, and knowledge.  

I once observed a moment of extreme beauty and sadness as a woman walked in front of a church service to read the scripture.  I could tell she did not have her Bible open to the correct book, but was carefully quoting the scripture for the day from memory.  She was unable to read so she just practiced that scripture over and over again until she could say it.  Anyone who has a love that deep for the words of the Bible, or any other text, should have the ability to read it for themself.   I believe it was a moment of direction and purpose for our focus in the Tribu Radiante.  

Putting books in their hanDS

We can all expound on the basic human right of literacy for all people, but how do you make it happen in a community without books?  How do you develop a love for reading where none exists?  You build a library.  Then you start reading aloud in ridiculously excited voices to begin opening the world of stories and adventures.  We just keep reading through the eye rolls and little by little that attention span for enjoying literature begins to grow.

Each month, our Health and Wellness director (Rachel) plans and leads a special day where the children take part in different stations, learn about the body and health related topics. She uses food/nutrition, movement, science activities, and wellness practices to give them access to information in ways that are fun and relatable while teaching them about different health topics. Rachel is a certified swimming instructor and she offers swimming classes twice per week. She is also hosting a women's group called Raices Salvajes/ Wild Roots where she offers free evening yoga classes in the community.

“I was very hesitant to start a sponsorship program because when I looked around I did not see them effectively empowering students to succeed. There is much more needed than a backpack and uniform. They need an advocate!”

— Angie Herring | Founder

There is more to it than a backpack and a uniform

We live, connect, and stand with the children that you sponsor. We see the children every week and consistently evaluate that they are getting what they need to educationally succeed. We know them by name and offer hugs and high fives when we see them.

  1. Our uniforms are hand tailored right here in Salinas Grande by a pastor's wife who purchases the fabric and then beautifully sews each uniform for an exact fit.

  2. We have a computer lab and a library that are extremely valuable tools in an area where books and computers are not in homes. One of our teachers sets up 15 minute computer learning stations before class and we rotate kids through to gain basic computer skills.

  3. Our sponsored students can earn field trips to places that inspire them to see other careers and ways of living. We try to broaden their horizons to help them dream big and break the cycle of poverty.

  4. Our students receive a meal with fruits, vegetables, and meat. There are many nutrients lacking from a diet of only beans and rice and we strive to give them healthy meals before or after class.

  5. Each sponsored student is partnered with a tutor who teaches, communicates with family and teachers at school, and mentors the student to make the best decisions possible.

  6. Every month students receive school supplies. Students who live in poverty do not have the money to spend on school materials and providing the child with the basics each month removes a learning barrier. They feel proud to have a pencil or pen and a notebook to copy down the required information and a place to complete homework.

  7. Each year we read the entire Jesus Storybook Bible and the children hear of unstoppable love of Jesus and how he is pursuing them. Story by story each week the kids listen to a message of hope and forgiveness.

  8. First year sponsored students receive something extra special when their birthday comes around. A BIRTHDAY BIKE! In our community there are few cars, and it’s a long walk to school or La Tribu Radiante. This gift of transportation allows students to make it to school, make it to reinforcement class, and run errands for the family.


How can you get involved?