Donde esta la biblioteca? Literacy is one of our top priorities. With help from some inspired students and friends the dream of a library in rural Nicaragua became a reality. You can read about the backstory here. The front of the boat and the doors are made from reclaimed wood. We used eco-bricks to save concrete in the pillars and under the wood floor. There are over 200 pounds of recycled plastic throughout the project. In our humid climate we have seen books balloon to twice the normal size or fall apart completely. To keep our books safe for the long haul, there is a solar powered air conditioning unit to control the humidity. We have a great start with over 400 Spanish language books for students to use. There are plenty more shelves and we’ll continue adding to the library whenever we can. Books are expensive in Nicaragua so we are bringing them in little by little in suitcases when people come to visit. If you’d like to get involved, we have a few ideas below.